HPC Research Projects

The National High Performance Computing Center of KIT NHR@KIT enables researchers from all over Germany and all scientific disciplines to compute their computing time projects using state-of-the-art and high-performance research infrastructure. A selection of current as well as completed projects from NHR@KIT can be found here:

DLR Christian Hüttig (DLR)
Thermal Evolution - Planets & Moons

Over the past decades, large-scale computer simulations have grown to become one of the most powerful approaches to study the interior of Earth-like planets.

M. Weimer, (KIT/IMK/ASF) M. Weimer (KIT)
Seamless modelling with ICON-ART

ICON-ART is the next generation model for seamless simulation of numerical weather forecast, climate prediction and atmospheric composition modelling.

NHR@KIT Mathias J. Krause (KIT)
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code

Lattice Boltzmann Methods (LBM) are a relatively recent approach to the simulation of fluid flows and transport problems in general.

CO2 Absorber Andrea Düll (KIT)
CO2 Capture

Gas-liquid contactors (GLCs) are one of the core technologies in the chemical industry, playing a crucial role in reactant conditioning, chemical conversion and separation processes.



Project report for NHR@KIT website

If you have used the Karlsruhe High Performance Computer (HoreKa) for your research project, we ask you to provide a short report about your research for our website.

Please draft a text according to the NHR@KIT research report guidelines (see below) and submit it to NHR-Reports.