User Research Projects
The National High Performance Computing Center of KIT NHR@KIT enables researchers from all over Germany and all scientific disciplines to compute their computing time projects using state-of-the-art and high-performance research infrastructure. A selection of current and completed projects from NHR@KIT, organized by subject area, can be found here:

IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer) and IASI-NG (IASI-Next Generation) are key satellite instruments of the EUMETSAT Polar System...
Aerosol-cloud interactions (ACI) are among the most uncertain processes in numerical weather prediction models. The effects of aerosols on clouds and precipitation vary significantly depending on the cloud type.
Over the past decades, large-scale computer simulations have grown to become one of the most powerful approaches to study the interior of Earth-like planets.
ICON-ART is the next generation model for seamless simulation of numerical weather forecast, climate prediction and atmospheric composition modelling.
TNG-Cluster is a cosmological magnetohydrodynamical simulation of cosmic structure formation, from shortly after the Big Bang until the present day.
Photonic materials made of carefully designed structures can manipulate light in extraordinary ways, enabling applications in imaging, sensing, information processing, and beyond.
The world surrounding us is made of atomic nuclei and nuclear matter...
The evolution of organic semiconductors (OS) has revolutionized the electronics industry...
Lattice Boltzmann Methods (LBM) are a relatively recent approach to the simulation of fluid flows and transport problems in general.
An optimum and selective materials design based on computational approaches is essential in order to avoid time-consuming and expensive experiments...
Gas-liquid contactors (GLCs) are one of the core technologies in the chemical industry, playing a crucial role in reactant conditioning, chemical conversion and separation processes.
Project report for NHR@KIT website
If you have used the Karlsruhe High Performance Computer (HoreKa) for your research project, we ask you to provide a short report about your research for our website.
Please draft a text according to the NHR@KIT research report guidelines (see below) and submit it to NHR-Reports.