Welcome to the National High Performance Computing Center at KIT (NHR@KIT).

As a leading provider of cutting-edge supercomputing infrastructure, we support a wide range of scientific research across various disciplines, from Engineering and Physics to Earth System and Medicine. NHR@KIT is dedicated to advancing innovation by offering comprehensive HPC services and tailored support to researchers from all over Germany. Through our expert consulting, training, and resources, we empower the scientific community to tackle complex computational challenges and push the boundaries of knowledge. We are proud to be an integral part of the national HPC landscape, collaborating within the NHR Alliance to foster scientific excellence.

About us →

Quick Links

Amadeus Bramsiepe Amadeus Bramsiepe (KIT)
Apply for a Compute Project

How to apply for a compute project

HoreKa Simon Raffeiner (KIT/SCC)
User Documentation

User documentation for all systems and services provided by NHR@KIT



LinkedIn ProfileFunda Elewa (KIT/SCC)
Follow us on LinkedIn

We're up and running on LinkedIn.
Now you can connect and stay updated with NHR@KIT.
Join us!

New Support PortalZammad
New NHR@KIT Support Portal

On February 19th, 2025 the NHR@KIT support portal will be migrated to a new platform!

HPC Café Funda Elewa (KIT/SCC)
New event series: HPC Café

We have a fun new event series coming your way, but hurry up! The kick off is on Thursday, December 12th, 2024.


NHR@KIT | Image Film


to event calendar

Scientific Support

Horeka Simon Raffeiner (KIT/SCC)
Voucher Projects
Blick auf den See
Earth System Science @NHR
Simulation and Data Laboratories
Software Sustainability and Performance Engineering
