Application Areas and Methodological Competences

Within the NHR alliance, the NHR center NHR@KIT coordinates the Research Area of Earth System and Climate Sciences (ESS∂NHR) and additionally serves the areas of Materials Research, Particle Physics and Engineering in Mobility and Energy Research.

With the HoreKa supercomputer and the Future Technologies Partition, NHR@KIT does not only offer researchers from its main application fields a state-of-the-art high-performance research infrastructure, but also supports them with the Simulation & Data Laboratories (SDLs), tailor-made consulting in the fields of Sustainable Software Development and Performance Engineering (SSPE), as well as a dedicated Cx infrastructure.

Competencies & Support

Simulation and Data Laboratories
Software Sustainability and Performance Engineering
Blick auf den See
Earth System Science @NHR
Zentrenübergreifende Projekte
Future projects