
Friday, 06 February 2026
10:00 - 12:00 
KIT, Campus Süd
20.20 Raum 167 …

A close exchange with users is essential for the further development of the NHR@KIT services and infrastructures. For this reason, a new series of events has been launched, where operators and users can meet and exchange ideas in an informal setting: HPC Café.
In addition to our established contact channels and training courses, we offer the HPC Café at regular intervals (every first friday of a month).
The event will take place from 10 am to 12 pm with a keynote speech, which will be followed by a discussion.

Keynote speech topic for upcoming HPC Café:
April 4, 2025: Hybrid Quantum-Classical Optimization with the ProvideQ Toolbox by Domenik Eichhorn (KIT/KASTEL)  

Hybrid solvers for combinatorial optimization problems combine the advantages of classical and quantum computing to address challenging computational tasks. While theoretically promising, their practical applicability remains difficult due to the lack of a technological stack that seamlessly integrates quantum solutions with classical optimization frameworks.
In this presentation, we introduce the ProvideQ toolbox, a software tool that enables users to adapt and configure hybrid solvers via Meta-Solver strategies. These strategies implement decomposition techniques that divide problems into classical and quantum subroutines, allowing for flexible and efficient hybrid optimization. The ProvideQ toolbox facilitates the interactive creation of such decompositions through a Meta-Solver configuration tool, integrating well-established classical techniques with quantum circuits executable on multiple backends.
Alongside the introduction of ProvideQ, we also provide a general overview of the quantum computing and quantum software domains, setting the stage for understanding the challenges and opportunities in hybrid quantum-classical optimization.
Of course, a question and answer session is also planned. Here, users can address HPC-related topics and problems. We will try to find solutions together.
Would you like a presentation on a specific topic? Please let us know. -->
Over coffee and cookies, the topics raised can be discussed in greater depth.
Please register on Indico event page in order to attend.
We look forward to seeing you there and hope for a lively participation!
For further information, please visit the event website at

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